Professor of Human-Computer Interaction - Tecnico, U. Lisbon | ITI, LARSYS , Twitter, Linkedin

<aside> 👋 I am based in Tecnico at the Hub Criativo Beato Pole in Lisbon, but can be found regularly on campus. I reply promptly to e-mails (nunojnunes(at), so if you need to contact me, e-mail me. I rarely answer my office phone numbers. Address: Av. Rovisco Pais, Informática II, Office 0.14, 1049-001, Lisbon, Portugal.

Talks and Media


Student Supervision



Bio(s), CV(s) and Photos



Nuno Jardim Nunes, Ph.D. is a Full professor at Tecnico U. Lisbon and the President of the Interactive Technologies Institute (ITI) a research unit part of the LARSYS Associated Laboratory. He's also affiliated faculty at the Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.

He’s currently serving as National Director of the Carnegie Mellon International Partnership (with Ines Lynce).


Nuno was the main proponent of the Bauhaus of the Seas vision and Manifesto for the New European Bauhaus


He occasionally writes in the media (in Portuguese) about general topics related to people and technology. Here is an article from Expresso about the "Manifesto para uma Bauhaus Digital em Portugal" and couple of recent articles from Publico on COVID-19 Apps ("Sobre as apps Covid") and the mandatory requirement to install them ("Sobre as apps covid: "La technologie est la société rendue durable"") and also on ionline on "Covid-19 e a prototipagem rápida de políticas públicas"

Nuno Jardim Nunes holds an habilitation from the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Porto, a Ph.D in Software Engineering from U. Madeira under supervision from , and a MEng in informatics and computer engineering from the Technical University of Lisbon (IST). Previously he was non-executive Member of the Board of the Regional Agency for Research,Technological Development and Innovation (ARDITI) and Vice-Rector of the University of Madeira and Head of the Exact and Engineering Sciences Dep. at U. Madeira. He edited 15 books on HCI and SE and authored more than 190 international publications in peer-reviewed international conferences and journals. Nuno had leading roles in the organisation of several HCI conferences, including DSV-IS’2003 (now EICS), IUI/CADUI’2004, UML’2004 (now Models), CAiSE’2004, ECCE’2008, Service Design’2009, TEI’2011, Interact'2011, ITS'2015 and EICS'2017. He was the PI and Co-PI of several research projects totalling more than 25M€ from FP7, H2020, Horizon Europe and ITEA to nationally and industry-funded research projects, including two ERAChair Widening projects in the areas of Design and HCI.

Nuno is a member of the ACM, SIGCHI and the Portuguese Board of Engineers.

Research Team

This is my amazing research team at Tecnico - U. Lisbon if you're interested in pursuing a PhD or Master thesis please contact me and I will forward potential ideas and research topics.

Current Post-Docs and Students


PhD Students

Master Students


Under the "drop, ripple, wave metaphor", of Canal180 My interview with Klaas Kuitenbrouwer about the Zoöp model, a novel organizational model for cooperation between human and non-human life that safeguards the interests of all zoë (Greek for ‘life’).

Best moments of the inauguration of ITIs new space at Hub Criativo do Beato.

Recent Papers

I regularly publish in HCI conferences and journals and sometimes in applied areas such as energy and sustainability. Check some of the most recent papers here and a full list on the publications section.

Nicholas Torreta et al, Navigating Problematic Bauhaus Inheritances: Critiques, Implications, and Questions from the Bauhaus of the Seas NEB Lighthouse, Design Issues 40(3), Summer 2024


Nuno Jardim Nunes et al, The Bauhaus of the Seas: A Manifesto for the New European Bauhaus, Design Issues 40(2), Spring 2024


Mencarini et al, Imagining Sustainable Futures: Expanding the Discussion on Sustainable HCI, ACM Interactions 31(2), 2024

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Bala et al, **Stories as Boundary Objects: Digital Storytelling with Migrant Communities for Heritage Discourses, CSCW, 2024.**

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Nisi et al, Connected to the people": Social Inclusion & Cohesion in Action through a Cultural Heritage Digital Tool, CSCW, 2023.

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Ferreira et al, Interactions with Climate Change: a Data Humanism Design Approach, DIS, 2023.

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Ma et al, Uncovering Gig Worker-Centered Design Opportunities in Food Delivery Work, DIS, 2023.

Recent Talks

Here are some recent talks, mostly about the Bauhaus of the Seas.

Sonar+D (2022) on the Bauhaus of the Seas

Bauhaus of the Seas Vision (2022)

Keynote GoodTech (2020)